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Live with the necessary prefixes

Welcome to Happyc

Your Ally For A Happy Company

A dedicated team passionate about unlocking human potential. We aim to understand and optimize the work environment, fostering happiness, well-being, and high team performance.

Who We Are?

Our main objective is to transform corporate culture by guiding organizations to adopt practices in line with the balance between productivity, happiness, and employee well-being.

What We Want?

We believe in customization to address unique needs both individually and collectively. With our services, we aim to empower individuals, companies, managers, and employees to build happier workspaces.

How We Do?

At Our Command...

In a world often influenced by expectations, I remain unwavering in my truth. I am more than titles - I am a human, a son, a brother, and a father.

My journey on this earth is not about pleasing the crowd; it's about challenging norms, initiating uncomfortable yet fruitful conversations, and illuminating the path to truth. I do not shy away from conflicts that bring prosperity and shed light on the genuine essence of being.

Within the corporate world, I orchestrate a symphony of authenticity. I am dedicated to infusing life into mechanical processes, injecting humanity into every interaction. My focus is on understanding the intricate dance of human emotions within organizational structures. I seek to anticipate needs, deeply comprehend desires, providing not only tools and resources but the very essence of motivation.

At Our Comand

Fábio De Pina

My mission goes beyond empathy; it is about creating an unwavering foundation of genuine care. I build environments where people are not only attuned to their purpose, but where authenticity pulses through the organizations they are part of.

I create spaces where diversity is not just a buzzword but a celebration, where inclusion is not a policy but a way of life. My energy is a beacon, illuminating safe spaces where heterogeneity thrives, and where happiness is not a goal but a natural state of being.

This is my commitment: to empower others with truths, challenging the ordinary and guiding them to a world where authenticity reigns supreme. I am not bound by conventions; I dare to confront discomfort and, in the process, gift others not only with good memories but with transformative experiences that break the barriers of the ordinary.

First Happiness Manager in Portugal

Where Do We Go...

At Our Command...

At Our Command...

Minimum Valuable Product - A highly sophisticated product isn't necessary to function perfectly. Understanding what works and what doesn't, gathering data for improvement, and adding more value


"The path is made by walking. We only know what works for our employees when we put it into practice."

Make It Happen

Eliminate waste and create value through continuous learning and improvement throughout the entire process.

Lean Methodology

Are you curious about all this?

Talk to us to find out more!

Know More...

S.E.A.L Model

Sharing - Empathy - Authenticity - Legacy

​These are the four vectors that move us...

How We Do

Happinass Way



Authenticity is key. We are passionate about human interaction and personal connection. In our lectures, we avoid technological complexities and focus on the essence of the messages. Through captivating stories, life experiences and tangible examples, we offer talks that inspire, motivate and create a genuine connection with the audience.


In our workshops, personal interaction is king. As professionals who value genuine relationships over sophisticated presentations, we offer workshops focused on the art of communication and the power of human connection. We focus on practical activities, meaningful discussions and group dynamics that promote mutual understanding, empathy and collaboration.


We offer two distinct types of mentorship to help organizations and individuals achieve a more positive and productive work environment. Our mentorships are built on the foundation of positivity, well-being, and personal and professional growth. We differentiate our services into two approaches: one more free-form and the other more strategic.


In our approach to corporate happiness, we challenge norms with a deeply Socratic methodology. We are not here merely to provide ready-made answers; we are here to question, provoke, and transform. We believe that true happiness in the workplace is not found in quick fixes...

What They Say About Us...

An open book that likes to look in the mirror...

I was immediately fascinated by their commitment, emotional intelligence, empathy and contagious joy...

Anyone who has to invest in retaining talent will have an excellent ally in Fábio.

Rui Ferro, Senior Project Manager
ABP Consultancy

Professionals who change the work environment for the better! Positive energy and especially attention to people individually are key!

Thiago Siqueira, Engineer

Critical TechWords

An excellent person, a professional like few others, a total commitment... He has the ability to carry out the day and his responsibilities with lightness, joy and, above all, focus...

Ernesto Janebro, Software Engineer

Look Who's Talking...


We believe that investing in personal and professional development is the key to building truly exceptional work environments. Our training is designed to inspire, empower, and transform teams, providing essential skills for individual and collective success.

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